Why are hero’s so revered?
What is it about them that we hold in such high regard?
Is it because they give you hope in a world that otherwise seems hopeless – or is it more than that?
A hero has qualities we consider admirable – this has always been typical across cultures and across time.
A natural inclination towards the hero that we all have within ourselves.
Qualities that mirror a deeper yearning
A yearning to be the hero in our own lives.
A yearning to confront your fears and showing courage when you’re called upon
Always doing what’s right, irrespective of the potential consequences
And to triumph
Not in some superficial attempt in pursuit of a goal
But in the ultimate triumph in overcoming your own demons; slaying your own dragon.
You see the hero’s journey always begins with the call to adventure, something deep inside that prompts you to do more and to be more.
And to embark on that journey, the only decision you need to make is whether or not to answer that call.