“I don’t have time” is a fallacy.
It’s the story we make up when we are looking for a way out.
When we are actively avoiding something
The language you use is important, it’s linked to what you fundamentally believe
If you say it often enough, then you’ll eventually start to believe it.
Like somehow the universe only gave you 10 hours in a day instead of 24.
Time is like a currency you trade with and it matters how you spend it
You possess it, and you can lose it.
Distractions are essentially others stealing your time from you –
We’re conscious of how we spend our money, but not as conscious of how we spend our time – which has more value?
Life is made up of time, when you let it slip away; you let life slip away.
We have somehow come to believe that we have an infinite amount of it.
The average person will live between 25,000 – 30,000 days, that’s all you’ve got.
Do the math, how many days have you got left?