Loyalty allows us the freedom to be who we are
To make mistakes knowing that there is an unbreakable bond that ties us together
A safe place to come back to
A place void of doubt and insecurity
A place of faith, conviction and total trust
Knowing that someone or something has always got your back
And that you in turn have theirs
Loyalty provides you with a springboard in which you can launch back into life after a set back
A solid foundation to build your home
A safe place to retreat to when you need
And when loyalty dies, something in our collective humanity dies along with it
We’re thrust into chaos and uncertainty
Pushed further towards fear and insecurity
And paranoia.
There will be no place left to rest your head
No shoulder to lean on
Nothing or no-one you can count on to wipe away your tears
Just an empty void, left to fend for yourself.
A life without loyalty is like a rudderless ship drifting off to sea
It’s aimless, pointless.
Going nowhere and without any reason.
It’s the undoing of the social fabric that binds us all together
Because when loyalties die, societies crumble
Relationships become weak,
And families are torn apart.
Loyalty is a commitment you make
It says, I will go to the ends of the earth for you,
I will suffer with you
Reminding each other, that we are in this thing together,
Perhaps you still think you can live happily affording this loyalty only to yourself
But unfortunately, life is not and never has been, an individual pursuit