Too often we get caught up asking all the wrong questions.
And the problem with asking the wrong questions is you inevitably get the wrong answers.
Instead of asking the question, what is possible (?), you’re constantly reminding yourself of what is not.
Instead of asking; what can’t I do, start asking what can I do
Instead of asking; what’s not possible; start asking yourself what is possible.
Instead of asking; what’s holding me back; start asking, what’s propelling me forward
Instead of asking: what am I bad at; start asking yourself, what am I good at
Instead of asking yourself; what will it cost me; start asking yourself, what will I gain from it.
Instead of asking yourself: who am I; start asking yourself, what can I become
Instead of asking: is this possible, ask yourself instead how can we get it done
Every question is a fork in the road as you navigate your way through life.
Asking the right question is your opportunity to either be open to the possibilities; or remain closed to them.
To choose to embrace the human experience, or go on living in a self imposed darkness.
To embrace your potentiality or to shy away from it.