It’s difficult to map a way forward if you don’t know what you want exactly.
But knowing what you want requires knowing who you are
This usually takes experience, and having the ability to reflect on that experience.
It’s a process and it takes time
And just when you think you’ve got it, you can find yourself back at square one
But going in circles doesn’t get you anywhere, just waiting around until you know, before taking any action.
At some point, you’ll need to get firm and make some commitments.
You’ll need to move, in search of the experience you need to figure it out, a process of trial and error.
And to get started you may need to first reflect on what you don’t want, embarking on a process of elimination
What are you not willing to tolerate?
In a relationship.
Within yourself.
At work. At home. In public.
Perfection is not achieved when there is nothing left to add, but rather when there is nothing left to take away.
So start shedding, see what you’re left with and perhaps let that be your first step to knowing what you want.