I learned patience.
I learned the beauty that exists in humility.
I learned to speak less and listen more.
I learned that God exists.
I learned to trust again.
I learned that no one is perfect, this includes me.
I learned that actions do truly speak louder than words
Ignorance is not bliss.
I learned that success is showing up every single day and doing the best I can with what I’ve got.
I learned that human nature is unique, which makes us all unique.
I learned the real value of time.
I learned that communication needs to be clear, simple and to the point.
I learned at some deeper level, we all just want the same things.
I learned that there is no stagnation, I’m either growing or I’m slowly dying.
I learned the true value of meaningful relationships.
I learned that putting others before myself is not a bad thing.
I learned that ‘sacrifice’ is not a bad word if used right.
I learned that I have a low tolerance for hypocrisy and bullshit
I learned the power of ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.
I learned the importance of valuing and honoring those around me
I learned the importance of having conviction
I learned that sitting on the fence gets you nowhere
I learned that it’s ok to have an opinion and it’s ok to pick sides.
There is right and wrong.
I learned the power of eye contact.
I learned that truth, integrity and authenticity are invaluable assets.
I learned that fear is my friend, not my enemy.
I learned how difficult yet rewarding it is to raise a young family.
I learned that great wisdom lies with our elders and we need to cherish them more.
I learned that injustice is a fact of life and as an individual the greatest contribution I can make is how I treat others.
I learned the real meaning of gratitude.
I learned that I can’t change the world, but I can change myself and make my contribution
I learned how to accept love.
I learned not to take things so personal.
I learned the importance of persistence and consistency.
I learned that every single person I met this year has helped me grow in some way.
I learned that the future is filled with hope and beauty; but I’ve lacked the courage to go out and seek it.