Belief is a powerful thing and is often taken for granted or completely misunderstood.
What you believe is the lens in which you view the world.
It’s the thing that guides your actions and reactions.
People go around shouting what they believe from the rooftops.
But what you believe is not accurately reflected in what you say, but more so in what you do.
In how you react
In how you behave
In the choices you make.
What you think or want to believe, is not the same as what you actually believe.
Beliefs are acted out, not proclaimed and the key is to be able to align the two.
Ensuring what you say and what you do are always in harmony.
So if you want to know what you actually believe, tune in to what you do.
How you act.
Who you spend your time with
What you spend your time doing.
Where you spend your money.
What you give your attention to.
How you react and respond.
What you prioritize.
It will say more about you than words ever could.
Don’t waste your time trying to prove to everyone what you believe,
You’d be much better served simply living it out.