As humans, we have a unique relationship with time.
We can hold onto the past and project indefinitely into the future.
We cause ourselves anxiety by holding onto events
And we do the same by generating fear about potential events that are yet to happen
We numb ourselves so not to have to think about either
And we tend to avoid as much as we can, as best as we can for as long as we can.
But the avoidance is what breeds further anxiety
The more you avoid, the more it festers
And it’s usually reflected in small things though-out your day.
Avoiding cleaning your room.
Avoiding taking out the trash
Avoiding the gym.
Avoiding making that phone call or having that conversation you know needs to be had.
Avoiding making an apology
Avoiding confronting reality itself.
And with this avoidance you never experience that all important sense of resolution
The resolution you need to move yourself forward.
Resolution is the death required to pave the way for new life.
It allows you to create space and with space comes new potential
Anything less, and you are avoiding life itself.