When was the last time you started something?
When was the last time you created, produced anything that you were proud of?
When you made something happen as part of your own initiative, not because someone made you do it.
When was the last time you followed through on what you said you’re going to do – instead of shying away when it mattered most?
There’s something inherent in you that thrives on being productive.
That thrives on learning and growing
That thrives on solving problems and being meaningfully engaged.
Just like nurturing your body, so too does your spirit need to be nurtured.
And being the spark that sets things in motion, will do that.
The hardest part about starting anything new is going from doing nothing, to doing something.
Going from being passive to active
From a stationary position to generating forward motion.
When you need to go for that walk, your biggest challenge is just get up and get dressed
The same logic applies to every situation.
So you don’t have to see the whole staircase, you just have to be able to take that critical next step, that one step, that will move you forward.