Indecision is a decision in and of itself, even though you may not recognise it as such.
Your decision to do nothing – to let things play out on their own. It’s taking a back seat and waiting to see how the chips may fall.
It’s the thing you do when you’re not ready or willing to do anything.
It can be considered a patient approach, but it’s also an approach that can be the source of some anxiety, while you’re waiting around for something to happen.
The key here is your intention.
Are you intentionally refraining from making a decision, or are you so hung up on trying to make the right one, that you make no decision at all
Are you guiding this process, or is fear guiding it for you?
Are you being hesitant when you know that you need to be decisive?
What a decision does, if nothing else, is give you a sense of resolution. That sense of resolution you need to be able to move forward.
That all important next step that will help you break the cycle.
Sure, the ‘wait and see’ approach to life may have some merits, sometimes.
But by choosing to wait and see you essentially relinquish your right to be bitter or resentful when others make decisions for you.
Because even though you didn’t make the decision yourself, you decided not to decide – by doing nothing at all.