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There is no life without death, no happiness without sadness, no success without failure, no heaven without hell.

They are all two sides of the same coin; you can’t have one without the other –

Duality suggests that every aspect of your life is generated from a balanced interaction between two opposing forces

Complementary forces that are essential to one another

You can’t fully grasp and experience one side of the dual nature of anything, without fully understanding its opposing side.

Experiencing death is what you need to know what it means to be alive.

The deeper your sorrow, the greater your joy.

The more difficult the struggle, the greater the satisfaction in overcoming it

It’s one side that gives rise to the other, happiness would lose its very meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.

Although we often view life as a linear straight line, the reality is, it’s not.

There’s no forward without back, no up without down, no hot without cold.

Breakdowns occur when you try so hard to embrace one, whilst desperately trying to avoid the other.

You want so much to experience victory, without ever having experienced defeat.

It doesn’t work that way.

If you’re going for victory, you must be willing to risk defeat

But more profoundly, there is no victory without the possibility of defeat.

This duality is the underpinning of all interactions in nature and life.

It’s what gives your life balance.

Even in silence, you’ll find the battle between emotion and reason

Focus and distraction

Discipline and temptation

Learn how to flow between the two more skilfully, giving you a fuller and richer experience of what life is and was always intended to be.

Because you need two halves to make the whole.


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