Categories: CharacterMindset

Playing to win

Too often we get caught only playing defence.
Fending people off, reacting, just going with whatever flow
Trying to keep our heads above water –
Playing not to lose, instead of playing to win.

You see, playing to win, has nothing to do with the outcome
and everything to do with the attitude. 

It’s the difference between being reactive and proactive
The difference between being timid and aggressive
The difference between fear and courage. 

Playing to win means going out to set the tone –
Getting others to follow your lead
And react to your moves.

Playing defence may keep you in the game
But it won’t move you forward.

So if you’re finding yourself always on the back foot, now might be the time to switch it up a little
To get onto the front foot
To stop waiting for the game to come to you
And instead go out there and take the game to them.

Because if you’re going to play the game, 
you may as well play to win.

Michael Dahdal

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