In Japanese, the word IDOU expresses the idea of shift, motion, movement and change. It represents action, the idea that nothing changes, until something moves.
It is culmination of years of experience in high-performance training environments, fused with intensive cross-cultural study merging eastern and western traditions, science and art.
It's the principle that life is in a constant motion, and for growth or change occur, there must be a movement or an action, a transition from one place to another, or state to another,
shape your spirit.
You’ll begin to develop the clarity, skills and wisdom to direct your life in a way that serves a greater purpose, shaping your spirit in a way that permeates into eternity.
We believe that movement is the essence of life. It’s growth – in an acorn, in a person, in ideas. It’s the wind changing direction, and the tide ebbing and flowing. And it animates the grandest leaps as well as the tiniest steps. It’s the nature of things.
Indecision is a decision in and of itself, even though you may not recognise it as such.
Your decision to do nothing – to let things play out on their own. It’s taking a back seat and waiting to see how the chips may fall.
It’s pointless, because history will always be confined to history.
Instead it may be time to look yourself in the mirror, at the risk of not liking what you see.
Because getting it right, means being honest with yourself.
It comes with the brutality of having to confront your own demons,
And being able and willing to take the hits.
So take your second chance.
Don’t look back in anger, maintain the hope
And be determined to do things a little different.
There’s a great symphony in sadness A million things conspiring beautifully together to set a sombre tone. It’s a tragedy, no doubt. Irrational at times, often transcending words or reason....
Communication is not a one way street.
It’s not about talking, it’s about listening.
It’s not about reacting, it’s about responding.
It’s not about knowing,
It’s about understanding.
It’s not about judgement or pretense
It’s about connection.
Some things are certainly worth holding onto -
Others we just hold onto because we are too afraid to say goodbye.
Not because we can’t
But because doing so means facing our own mortality