Although you may not realize it, every day you go to war.
Life is a constant battle
Between emotions and reason
Right and wrong
What you could do and what you should do
Going or staying
Spending or saving
Wanting or needing
Working out or staying idle
Yes or No.
Every morning you wake and prepare for battle, not to conquer your neighbor but instead to conquer yourself.
War is always messy and never easy.
It brings with it pain and hardship.
But it’s only in the struggle that the battle can ultimately be won.
To become the master of your emotions, or allow your emotions to master you.
To be seduced by your passions and desires, or to have the ability to tame them.
To be driven by fear, or to conquer it.
Instead of trying to conquer the world, first try and conquer yourself.
Instead of preaching about goodness, be good and do good.
Instead of telling us the way, show us.
Because the battle line between good and evil runs through the heart of every man.