We all expect much of life.
But perhaps we are looking at it all wrong.
Instead of focusing on what you expect of life, perhaps you should ask what does life expects of me?
What is your unique calling?
What do you bring to the table?
And are you bringing it?
We all have a need to be needed, to feel valued.
To be relied upon
To know that we will be missed when we are gone, that we made a difference.
It’s never easy,
But this is where meaning and purpose is found.
Not in the struggle per se, but in answering what it is you are called to do,
Who you are called to be,
In actualising your potential, your gifts, as each situation calls on you to do
In maintaining your integrity, your humanity, even in the face of adversity.
Meaning is not found in the pursuit of happiness, in seeking pleasure and avoiding pain
It’s found in taking upon yourself the responsibility to bring what you’ve got to offer to the world
And will it into existence
To contribute to the archives of human history
Because what you ultimately leave behind matters
And you don’t only owe it to yourself, you owe it to the rest of us.