When you choose to initiate, you’ve essentially chosen to be the spark that puts things in motion.
You’ve chosen to take some ownership,
To assume responsibility for your life.
You’ve chosen to move forward into a situation, rather than waiting for it to come to you.
Initiative is not something that’s granted to you, it’s something you must take.
You claim it.
Taking that step forward, setting the standard and inviting the world to follow.
The alternative is indifference.
It’s hesitation and fear,
Avoidance and ambiguity.
What taking the initiative does is turn uncertainty into certainty
And chaos into order.
It provides a sense of direction, clarity and resolution
It turns out of control, into a sense of under control
It takes something that’s out of your hands; and puts it back in your hands.
It takes a set of ideas and wills them into existence
It’s creativity, will and courage converging to make things happen.
The alternative, well the alternative is you just sit around and wait,
Just let life just happen to you.
And that may feel safe and secure, until one day you realize it’s not.