Life is way too short to hesitate.
It’s way too short to not make the most of every opportunity, no matter how big or small it seems.
No matter how scary or daunting it seems.
You live with this delusion that you’re somehow going to live forever
That you’re somehow immortal.
Until one day you realize that the truth is, you’re not.
Change is coming, no matter how hard you try and hold onto the status quo.
Life is not about what you think or believe
It’s not even about how you feel.
It’s about what you do and why you do it.
This is what defines you.
This is how your children will ultimately remember you
It’s about making the most of the unique gifts you’ve been given and sharing those with the world.
If life is whispering your name, calling you to embark on a new adventure
Chances are, it’s for good reason
The only thing you have to consider is whether you answer the call?
Are you able to replace your hesitation with conviction,
To replace your fear with courage
And your doubt with faith
Or do you once again let the opportunity pass you by, only to never realize what you’re capable of.