If you love, Love deeply
If you work, work hard
If you compete, compete to win
And when you give your word, be willing to die trying to keep it.
If it’s the truth, protect it
If it’s good, share it
Wear your heart on your sleeve
Don’t let fear rule you and don’t take no for an answer.
Don’t settle for less than what you have to give
The body is your instrument, use it.
Your mind, well your mind can be your enemy or your friend,
So be astute in how you steer it.
Life isn’t given to you, you need to claim it
Be willing to go the depths of hell and back in service of something greater
Don’t subject yourself to the perils of living only from the sensual pleasures afforded by the body
By the shallowness often found living only this physical existence.
You are a conduit for all things in the universe
So let that divine spark shine through you
And let it be the catalyst that sets your soul on fire
Be relentless in your pursuit of Life, even if it means certain death.