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We are in so many ways a product of the culture

Easily seduced

Swayed and influenced

Swept away with the tides and changing currents.

The culture has a way of penetrating your being

Convincing you that this is who you are or who you should be

This is how you should think or act.

Contaminating you with thoughts, emotions and desires that were never really yours

Your spirit relegated to your ego, as you work so hard to simply fit in. 

The culture has the power to shape your attitudes and behaviors, your beliefs and your values

Its subtly embedded in the media you consume

In the attitudes of the people you spend your time with

And unaware or indifferent, you slowly drift away with the tide

Only to look back and realize that you’re no where near the shore.

Far away from home. 

But you are not the culture nor is the culture you.

You are infinitely greater than that.

And you can chart your course by choosing where to focus your attention. 

And remembering in the meantime, that It  has never a measure of good health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. 


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