Anger is a double-edged sword.
It can serve be an expression of Love on one hand, or a manifestation of your ego and insecurity on the other
Perhaps you get angry because you feel wronged
Perhaps you’ve been hurt
Perhaps you get angry because your expectations weren’t met
Perhaps you get angry because it’s your way of being heard
We don’t want to go looking for reasons to be angry, but it’s sometimes inevitable –
Anger can be an expression, a means to try and right a wrong.
If you didn’t get angry at injustice, this is more concerning than anger in and of itself.
Anger is sometimes very much needed
It’s better to get angry than be indifferent;
Because anger awakens something inside and reminds you that you are still alive
That you are human.
That you stand for something and it matters,
That you have some convictions that serve a higher purpose, not just your own
It is here where anger is best served
But anger should never be the abandonment of Love, but rather an expression of it.
Anger should never be scornful or wishing harm to another,
Anger should not be spiteful, setting out to intentionally wound
It should never be contemptuous in its nature.
This would be a distortion of its intended purpose.
Allow for anger to be the kind of anger that will help raise someone up, not tear them down.