There’s a reason we experience guilt
If guilt was all bad, then why are we built this way?
We often look at guilt as unwarranted,
Dismissing it off hand as a negative emotion
Guilt is not a feeling, but rather an intuitive sense that there may be something off
A real sense that there’s something that needs to be remedied
A wound that needs healing
A wrong that needs to be put right
Something that needs to be attended to
A misalignment, that needs to be realigned
It’s a deeper moral calling and if left ignored, can start to take root.
Guilt, by definition, is a sense of shame or regret as a result of bad conduct.
But how do you discern bad from good?
What conduct would you expect of yourself?
Is it others projecting onto you, or is it you that expects more of yourself?
Can you rest your head at night knowing that you have lived up to your end of the promise?
That you’ve done everything within your power?
And lived up to your own expectations?
If so, then be guilt free,
If not, then perhaps it’s time you considered doing some things a little different.