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When there’s the will, there’s always a way. 

You go through life convincing yourself you can’t do something. 

Sometimes with good reason, other times you’re just making excuses. 

You don’t have the time

You don’t’ have the energy

You don’t have the support

The odds are all stacked against you. 

But what you don’t actually have, is a strong conviction. 

The drive to really pull through and level up

That deep understanding of what’s important and the strength of will to pursue it with everything you’ve got. 

What is it that you stand for exactly? 

How important is it and what are you willing to sacrifice to get there? 

Too often we make choices ad hoc based on how we feel

We wait for the next wave of motivation, a moment of inspiration 

Problem is, sometimes it never comes. 

It you’re sitting around waiting to ‘feel like it’, you’re a slave to your emotions

Because they lead you, you don’t lead them

Making you an amateur, not a pro.

We’ll apply different ethics to our jobs, but not to our personal lives.

And this is a dangerous place to be

Because you could be showing up to all the wrong things and all the wrong places, without ever showing up for yourself.

So I suggest that you commit your life to something, to someone.

An idea or a principle

Some underlying ethic or value 

To a way of life.

And let that be your guide. 

Use that as the basis for how you approach each day 

And how you approach your relationships

Be driven by your convictions, not by your emotions.

And if it’s important enough, 

Then you have the moral responsibility to make it happen 

First the will, then the way.


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