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What is life if devoid of promise?

Promise – a simple word that encapsulates so much – hope, trust, purpose, expectation, integrity, and meaning.

The promise of a new day is the thing that keeps you going and propels you forward.

It’s lined with potential and filled with possibility.

But today, the prevailing trend is one of empty promise.

We take on a promise with a grain of salt.

No expectation for it to be fulfilled, no disappointment when it’s not.

A sense of distrust and cynicism, fueled by having promise after promise, unfulfilled. 

And now, instead of asking more of ourselves, we seem inclined to ask less.

To promise less

Limiting ourselves, by harboring a fear of commitment.

A fear of being disappointed when your good will is not reciprocated

Keeping a promise is difficult – but it’s in the struggle that integrity is earned.

The alternative is empty promise. 

And a life empty of promise is a life devoid of any meaning.

It’s a life devoid of trust

It’s a life devoid of hope

It’s a cynical life embedded in bitterness and resentment.

It’s a life of broken bonds and fragmented relationships.

But ultimately it’s a baseless life, 

A life without any solid foundation on which to build on.

To restore promise, make the commitment to at least keep yours 

And don’t be afraid to hold others to account when they fail to keep theirs.


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