We are all just walking ourselves back home.
Home, that place of comfort – the foundation on which the rest of your life is built, your unique place of belonging.
It’s not only the place you come back to when everything else is said and done
It’s the place you dwell, in every minute, of every hour, of every day.
Home can be a place, or
You can find your home in a person
In family, community –
In God.
But fundamentally, home is where the heart is – this is where it resides, taking up its permanent residence.
It’s that place of longing, that place your whole being yearns to be
Without it, forever lost.
Home sends out signals, calling you back
Like a mother calling you in for dinner
But often we keep ourselves too busy, too preoccupied and distracted to even notice
Or maybe just too wounded to see.
Unable to make our way back home.