People come and go,
Things are hot, and then they’re not
You get caught up in all the fads, until they simply wither away
The people we love, die, leaving us only with memories or regrets
Friends leave,
The season’s change, you yourself change.
We fall in and out of Love as easily as swiping left or right
Discarding people like we discard tissue paper.
Not knowing where or to whom to turn to.
Yet, despite it all, one constant remains, just one.
Always there, in the truest sense
Never abandoning, unchanging, predictable, stable.
Even in your most wicked or trying times
That one reliable friend, the one we don’t deserve to have
That one we often take for granted
Keeping you safe and comforting you, without asking for anything in return
The only source of unconditional Love,
Always merciful, always forgiving
But still too busy we are, to notice
Too consumed by our own ego, to see
Unable to get out of our own way to let Him in
But yet there He is,
The Truth, weaved, embedded into your nature, always enduring
Yet also feeling abandoned and alone, only wishing you’d love Him back.