“Two roads diverged in the woods, and I – I took the road less traveled by; And that has made all the difference…” – Robert Frost.
Life is not always about pursuing the path of least resistance
Life is about enduring and finding those things that are worth suffering for.
Worth sacrificing something for.
Worth giving part of yourself to.
So the goal then is not comfort, but adventure.
It’s not safety, but courage
It’s not in laying down, but it’s in standing up for something
Because it’s in the pursuit of those things
Those things that really matter
That life gets its meaning
It’s those things that make life worth living.
If you’re looking for easy, then you’re missing the point
There’s no growth in easy
No purpose was ever grounded in easy
So why go looking for the easy way out?
You are not called to do what is easy, we are called to do what is right.
And that is what makes all the difference.
Two roads have again diverged in the woods, the rest is up to you.