This one is for the dreamers, never stop dreaming and never stop believing.
Don’t lose faith, for there is goodness in the world
People are fundamentally kind,
Love, real Love, exists
It’s pure and innocent.
It’s trusting and understanding,
Comforting and safe.
It’s the pillow where you can rest your head at night.
We know that life is inevitably going to beat you down
But don’t let your heart become hard.
We are all broken, afraid, longing for the same things
For some tenderness,
For some compassion
We long for heavenly things, in a corrupted world
It’s not wonder we can’t seem find it.
We call on the saints and the angels, but all we find is people, helpless and desperate.
But the absence of goodness, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist
We may just be looking in the wrong places or for all the wrong things.
Don’t stop dreaming and don’t stop believing
Never stop looking at this the world with wonder
Never stop being curious
Never stop reaching for the Gardens of Eden
Never let this world dim your light
And don’t be afraid of walking this world seemingly alone, for the path you seek is narrow,
Not everyone will see what you see and not everyone will understand
So this one is for the dreamers
Keep dreaming.
The fact that your heart is longing for better, means that you’re well and truly alive, it means that you care.
And if this world continues to fail you, then look up to find the heavens always shining down on you.