Expressing yourself honestly, should always be the aim.
Not so much to convince anyone of anything, but more so to uncover the reality of each situation
The alternative, well the alternative is to keep pretending
To go on living in a deluded fantasy.
We often censor ourselves to avoid rocking the boat,
When rocking the boat is sometimes the only way to go.
We accept things that happen to us and around us at face value
And we prefer to avoid, instead of confront.
Compromising little by little, until you’ve essentially compromised yourself away.
Looking yourself in the mirror and no longer recognising who you see.
The point is not to be impolite or insensitive.
The point is simply to be part of the conversation
To be find your voice,
Only then, do you stop being absent and begin being present
Only then do you begin to embrace the spirit of who you are and what you bring
And only then, do you really begin to own it.
And it’s only when you own it, that you can begin to transform it.
Anything less and you’re doing yourself and the rest of us a disservice
Because life is not about being liked, it’s about being honest.
And although that may seem a little daunting, it’s only the truth that will set you free.