Food has a very specific function and at its most basic; it’s about sustenance, giving you what you need to survive.
But food is still very much about nourishment.
It’s about keeping you in a healthy state,
A state of equilibrium
A state of connection, bringing people together.
Food was never intended to be ‘fast’
It’s not supposed to be devoid of its nutrients, keeping you overfed yet undernourished.
Our relationship with food has fundamentally changed.
Where once we ate to survive, we now eat to entertainment ourselves
Where we once took only what we needed, we now indulge
Where we once appreciated having a meal to eat, we now throw it away.
We are no longer connected with its source,
We don’t know where it came from or how it was prepared or harvested.
We have no idea what has been added or removed
We don’t know how long it sat on a ship, or a truck or in a refrigerator before it made it to our table.
That personal connection is gone and with it, the soul.
You can subscribe to whatever diet you want, but there’s no substitute for natural living
Clean food, in season and close to its source.
Nourishing the land, so it can properly nourish you
It’s a relationship
And it’s within this relationship, that soul food is born.