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Where religion was once considered the opiate of the masses, today, it’s the media.

It’s the news cycle, films, TV shows, music, science, politics, pop stars and pop culture subjecting you to a way of thinking and being in the world.

Redefining your values and the boundaries of what’s acceptable and what’s not.

Where truth was once the ultimate pursuit, now it’s consensus.

But it’s important to remind yourself that just because everyone believes something,

It doesn’t make it true.

Truth has never been a measure of how many people agree,

It’s objective, not subjective.

It’s your responsibility to be awake to the realities of the world.

To be willing and able to see beyond the noise,

Using your full faculties to see things for what they are.

Clearly and without fear or bias,

Remaining open to the possibilities, even if you happen to instinctively disagree.

To be willing to go against the populus at the risk of being cast out

Anything less and you’re selling yourself short and selling humanity short with it.

A magician’s best trick is the art of distraction

Getting you to look over here, whilst performing a sleight of hand over there

Creating illusion and tricking you into believing a falsity.

And it’s distraction that is weaponized and used against you 

This is not about fitting in or standing out, it never should be –

It’s about being willing to swim against the current –

And about knowing what’s right and not being afraid to call it.


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